What is CTO PCI?
Chronic total occlusion is defined as 100% blockage of a coronary artery for more than three months. About a quarter of people with coronary artery disease experience the condition, which can cause damage to heart muscle and chronic, debilitating, life-altering symptoms: shortness of breath, an inability to get around, general lethargy and a decrease in the quality of life. But, sometimes, bypass surgery isn’t the best option.
CTO PCI is the use of small wires fed into the vessels through a catheter to break through the blockage and open up the vessel.
An alternative to heart bypass surgery, the procedure is done in a cardiac catheterization laboratory through small incisions in the leg or arm. Because there is no chest incision, recovery is much faster and easier. It also offers a potential alternative for some patients who have been told open heart bypass surgery is not an option due to other medical conditions or co-morbidities.
Also , high risk PCI can be done with awake ECMO Support.