CardioFix Academy

Advances Medical Training in Egypt
CardioFix Group believes that education is one of the best future investment.
Founded in 2007 in order to unite Egyptian ECLS physicians in their desire for equality of standards in both training and professional status.
Initiate ECMO & Perfusion programs for University, M.O.H., Private Hospitals.
Participated in Ein Shams Lung transplant program by ECMO workshops , unit planning and participation in cadaveric workshop.
The Medical Academy is designed to expose trainee to occupations within the healthcare industry.
CardioFix Academy supports several Egyptian organizations, including the Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery (ESCTS), the Egyptian Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Society (ECTAS), the Pulmonary and Critical Care Association (PCCA), the Alexandria Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (ASAIC), the Egyptian Society of Intensive Care and Trauma (ESICT), and EGYCTO-club. The Academy provides professional courses in advanced medical technology such as ECMO, Cardiovascular Perfusion, EVH, 3D Printing, and more. Upon completion of these courses, candidates will receive accredited certificates from CardioFix Academy.

We have delivered more than 100 courses, workshops and training activities all over Egypt and in Middle East in collaboration with many organizations and university hospitals.
Also we provide events / conferences organization services through our events management department.