Medtronic-CardioFix ECMO Perf. Course Islam Sallam 27, November , 2023

Medtronic-CardioFix ECMO Perf. Course

CardioFix-ECMO-Perf Course ..
Held at the Medtronic Innovation Center (MIC) in Turkey
Accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) ..

CardioFix Academy wants to express gratitude and admiration for all Medtronic Team ..
The course was a result of over a year of dedicated collaboration between Medtronic and CardioFix teams.
It serves as a testament to the dedication and commitment of the Medtronic team.
Those pioneering efforts have undoubtedly paved the way for advancements in the field of ECMO and perfusion within the region

It was an absolute honor to have Dr. Khaled Fouad as the course Director.
“He is The CEO of CardioFix Group, President of Cardiofix Academy, International ECMO Expert”

Special thank and appreciation to:
Dr. Hazem Fouad
“Cardiofix founder, International ECMO expert GM and strategic Manager.. thanks for his outstanding scientific planning and support for the course“

We must commend CardioFix scientific committee members and active speakers for their remarkable contributions to the program:

  • Doc Ramez El Rabbany
    “He is a Genius German Anesthesiologist & Intensivist with Great ECMO Experience”
  • Dr. Mohamad Hassanein
    “The brilliant cardiac Surgery consultant from Alexandria University with US experience”

The event,, aimed to set a new standard in the CEMA region.
The combination of lectures, videos, wet labs, and using the innovative “califia Simulator” made for a comprehensive and engaging learning environment.

The impact of this event goes beyond its immediate success..
The knowledge and insights gained from the ECMO-Perf Course expected to have a lasting impact on professional journey of each candidate and even instructor who participated from many countries .. Egypt, South Africa, Libya, Lebanon/France, Turkey, …

Once again, We want to express our gratitude to Medtronic Team and to each candidate who participated in the event.

History to be mentioned..
Since our team was delivering their first ECMO-Perf workshop in 2008, and first post meconium aspiration ECMO 2009 ..
CardioFix group founders “Dr. Hazem Fouad and Dr. Khaled Fouad” have had a dream of establishing an International ECLS Academy.

Over the years, They have successfully delivered more than 120 ECMO/Perfusion events not only in Egypt but also in various countries across the globe. Our ultimate goal is to share ECLS science and updates with professionals worldwide, making a significant impact in the field.
